Dumfriesshire Hunter '62
                                Dumfriesshire Inquest '67
                                        Dumfriesshire Lapwing '64
                        Kendal Jarvey '73
                                        Kendal Peeler '63
                                Kendal Dahlia '70
                                        Kendal Magic '65
                SWE CH Kendal Nimrod of Falconcrag
                                        Border Counties Convict '61
                                Kendal Comrade '68
                                        Kendal Cherish '65
                        Kendal Comfort '70
                                        Dumfriesshire Gallant '62
                                Dumfriesshire Dewdrop '63
                                        Dumfriesshire Welcome '61
        Falconcrag Noble
                                        Dumfriesshire Druid '47
                                Dumfriesshire Driver '56
                                        Dumfriesshire Safety '52
                        Dumfriesshire Kitchener '66
                                        Dumfriesshire Warrior '61
                                Dumfriesshire Limpet '64
                                        Dumfriesshire Laudable '61
                Kendal Melody '74
                                        Dumfriesshire Loader '61
                                Kendal Peeler '63
                                        Dumfriesshire Patience '60
                        Kendal Decimal '70
                                        Kendal Mariner '58
                                Kendal Magic '65
                                        Kendal Playful '63
Bandmaster Falconcrag
                                        Dumfriesshire Inquest '67
                                Kendal Jarvey '73
                                        Kendal Dahlia '70
                        SWE CH Kendal Nimrod of Falconcrag
                                        Kendal Comrade '68
                                Kendal Comfort '70
                                        Dumfriesshire Dewdrop '63
                Falconcrag Triumph
                                        Dumfriesshire Inquest '67
                                Dumfriesshire Clansman '76
                                        Dumfriesshire Jezebel '72
                        Kendal Tempest
                                        Kendal Hero '72
                                Kendal Pastime '77
                                        Kendal Melody '74
        DAN CH Tarka at Otterbobs of Falconcrag
                                        Dumfriesshire Hunter '62
                                Dumfriesshire Inquest '67
                                        Dumfriesshire Lapwing '64
                        Kendal Jarvey '73
                                        Kendal Peeler '63
                                Kendal Dahlia '70
                                        Kendal Magic '65
                Kendal Nonsense of Falconcrag
                                        Border Counties Convict '61
                                Kendal Comrade '68
                                        Kendal Cherish '65
                        Kendal Comfort '70
                                        Dumfriesshire Gallant '62
                                Dumfriesshire Dewdrop '63
                                        Dumfriesshire Welcome '61